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第一章 总则
第一条 为了正确及时自理商品质量争议,保护当事人的合法权益,维护社会经济秩序根据《辽商品质量监督条例》的规定,制定本办法。
第二条 本法适用于在我省境内发生的根据当事人各方协议向仲裁机关申请的商品质量争议仲裁。
第三条 省、市、县(含县级市、区,下同)技术监督部门是本辖区商品质量争议的仲裁机关(以下简称仲裁机关)。
第四条 仲裁机关在其职权范围内处理商品质量争议案件,实行一次裁决制度。
第五条 商品质量争议仲裁,以法律、法规、规章的规定、本商品所执行的标准、合同以及商品说明书标明的质量指标为依据。商品质量技术数据,以法定机构的检验结果为准。
第六条 对在经营活动中出现的商品质量问题,商品生产者、销售者应当承担各自的法律责任。

第二章 管辖
第七条 商品质量争议仲裁由引起质量争议的标的物所在地仲裁机关管辖。
第八条 人民法院已经受理的商品质量争议案件,或者一方向仲裁机关申请仲裁,另一方向人民法院起诉的案件,仲裁机关不予受理。

第三章 组织
第九条 仲裁机关应当设置商品质量争议仲裁委员会。商品质量争议仲裁委员 应当由主任1人、副主任1至2人和委员若干组成。主任、副主任和委员必须由具有一定工作经验和专业、法律知识的人员担任。
第十条 仲裁机关根据办案的需要,可以聘请社会知名人士、专业技术人员和法律工作者担任兼职裁员。兼职仲裁员在执行仲裁职务时,享有与专职仲裁员同等的权利。
第十一条 仲裁机关办理商品质量争议案件,由仲裁员2人和仲裁委员会指定的首席仲裁员1人组成仲裁庭进行。
第十二条 当事人认为仲裁庭成员与本案有利害关系或者有其他关系可能影响仲裁的公正性,有权申请其回避。
第十三条 首席仲裁员的回避,由仲裁委员会决定;仲裁员的回避,由仲裁委员主任或者副主任决定。

第四章 申请与受理
第十四条 当事人向仲裁机关申请商品质量争议仲裁,应当在知道或者应当知道其权益受损害之日起1年内提出,但符合下列规定之一的除外:
第十五条 申请仲裁,应当向仲裁机关提交仲裁申请书,并按照被申请人数提供申请副本。
第十六条 仲裁机关应当在收到仲裁申请书之日起10日内,作出是否受理的决定,并通知申请人。

第五章 调解与仲裁
第十七条 仲裁机关可以根据需要向有关单位或者个人查阅与案件有关的档案、资料、原始凭证,索取证据。有关单位或者个人应当如实出具证明,提供材料,协助调查。
第十八条 仲裁机关需要对现场进行勘察或者对仲裁标的物进行抽样检验时,应当通知当事人及有关人员到场,并邀请有关专业技术人员参加。当事人无正当理由拒不到场的,不影响勘察或者抽样的进行,但仲裁员必须在笔录中记明情况。
第十九条 仲裁机关需对仲裁标的物进行技术鉴定或者检验时,应当委托法定检验机构进行。受委托的检验机构应当按照委托提供加盖本检验机构公章的检验报告。
第二十条 仲裁机关在处理案件时,应当在查明事实、分清责任和当事人自愿的前提下,先行调解。 调解达成的协议不得违背法律、法规、规章和有关政策的规定, 不得损害公共利益和他人利益。
第二十一条 调解达成协议的,仲裁机关应当制作调解书。调解书应当载明下列内容:
第二十二条 调解收送达后,双方当事人必须按照协议自觉履行。
第二十三条 调解未达成协议或者调解书送达前一方当事人或者双方当事人翻悔的,仲裁庭应当进行裁决。
第二十四条 仲裁庭在开庭审理前,应当将开庭时间、地点,以收面方式通知双方当事人。申请人经两次通知,无正当理由拒不出庭的,按撤回申请处理;被申请人经两次通知,无正当理由拒不出庭的,可作缺席裁决。
第二十五条 仲裁庭应当听取当事人的陈述和辩解出示有关证据,在依申请人、被申请人的顺序征询双方最后意见后再行调解。调解不能达成协议的,由仲裁庭评议后裁决。
第二十六条 仲裁庭裁决后,应当制作仲裁决定书。仲裁决定书应当载明下列内容:
第二十七条 仲裁决定书应当直接送达当事人。直接送达有困难的,可以委托当事人所在地的商品质量争议仲裁机关代为送达。
第二十八条 对仲裁机关的仲裁决定当事人应当履行。当事人一方在规定的期限内不履行,另一方可以申请人民法院强制执行。

第六章 附则
第二十九条 商品质量争议仲裁可以收取仲裁费。
第三十条 本办法应用中的具体问题由省技术监督局负责解释。
第三十一条 本办法自发布之晶起放行。

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以民为本 为民谋利 积极务实推进两岸“三通”


以民为本 为民谋利 积极务实推进两岸“三通”


(二OO三年 十二月十七 日)

前 言
















在投资方面。1988年7月,国务院颁布了《关于鼓励台湾同胞投资的规定》。1992年,台湾当局允许台湾同胞经第三地对大陆间接投资和进行技术合作。1994年3月,全国人大常委会通过了《台湾同胞投资保护法》, 1999年12月,国务院制定了《台湾同胞投资保护法实施细则》,各地方人大和政府也结合本地实际,制定了相应的地方性法规和行政规章,形成和完善了保护台胞合法权益的法律法规体系。大陆各有关部门和各地方不断改善投资环境,努力为台胞提供优质服务,促进了台胞投资。截至2003年9月底,大陆方面累计批准台资项目59458个,合同台资679.8亿美元,实际使用台资357.1亿美元。根据台湾有关方面统计,自1993年始,大陆成为台商对外投资的首选地区。









二、实现 "三通"符合两岸同胞切身利益,是两岸实现互利双赢的根本途径。




















(六)台湾当局应当尽早取消针对大陆的各种歧视性限制和不合理障碍。台湾当局对"三通"采取的间接、单向、局部等限制性政策,破坏了两岸正常的贸易和投资秩序,损害了公平竞争的市场环境,侵害了大陆和台湾相关企业的合法权益。2003年9月,台湾当局单方面宣布"两岸航空货运便捷化"措施,提出台湾航空公司的货运飞机可经停港澳往来两岸。对此,大陆民航主管部门认为,两岸货运包机经停第三地是舍近求远,两岸通航应由两岸航空业者公平地参与经营,这样才能健康持续发展,两岸同胞和工商业者才能得到实惠。不经双方民间航运业者协商,单方面宣布两岸货运便捷化时限,是不妥当的,也是大陆方面不能接受的。10月,在广大台湾同胞和工商界进一步要求开放两岸直接"三通"下,台湾当局有关方面部分放宽了一些限制两岸人员往来、贸易、投资的规定,但同时又附加了一些新的限制条件,继续拖延开放两岸直航。我们希望台湾当局从两岸同胞的共同利益出发,在实现两岸直接、双向通航方面,切实采取有效措施,做些实事, 尽快取消对大陆的各种歧视性限制和不公平待遇。
















其三,关于台湾企业对大陆投资导致岛内失业率上升问题。近几年台湾失业率上升主要是企业投资意愿下降所致。台湾当局现任领导人坚持"台独"分裂立场,破坏两岸关系,阻挠两岸"三通",打击了台湾民间及海外投资者的信心,是其中的一个重要原因。同时,台湾失业率上升也有结构性失业的原因。随着台湾投资和生产成本的上升,台湾劳动密集型产业进一步失去竞争优势,不得不寻找低成本的地区继续发展。这类企业在大陆投资经营,不仅使其自身重获竞争力,而且能够利用在大陆投资的收益增强在台湾的投资能力,支持台湾新兴产业的持续成长,大幅带动了对大陆的出口。 这些都对扩大台湾就业、产业升级和经济稳定发挥了重要作用。

结 束 语


English Edition:Actively and Realistically Promote "Three Direct Links" Across the Taiwan Straits by Reliance on the People and in the Interests of the People

Actively and Realistically Promote "Three Direct Links"
Across the Taiwan Straits by Reliance on the People
and in the Interests of the People

Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council

(December 17, 2003)


Owing to the military confrontation across the Taiwan Straits in the past 30 years or more since 1949, people-to-people contacts and direct links in mail, transport and trade between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits were totally suspended, resulting in total division between the compatriots across the Straits. On New Year's Day 1979, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC) of the People's Republic of China (PRC) issued a message to compatriots in Taiwan. In a bid to make it easier for family members, relatives and friends of compatriots on both sides of the Straits to visit each other, to communicate, travel, and develop economic, cultural and other ties, the message initiated a proposal for "starting postal and air and shipping services across the Straits as soon as possible," and "developing trade, supplying each other's needs, and conducting economic exchanges." The mainland has since spared no effort in forging direct links in mail, transport and trade (hereinafter referred to as the "three direct links," or "three links") across the Straits. In November 1987, the Taiwan authorities made the decision to permit Taiwan compatriots to visit their relatives on the mainland, which was welcomed by the mainland and ended the 38-year-long severance between the two sides of the Straits. People-to-people contacts and economic and cultural exchanges across the Straits have since made developed, and thus accelerated the progress of the "three direct links." Such contacts and exchanges have made much headway in the past dozen years. But, to our regret, the cross-Straits "three links" remains in an indirect, one-way and partial state due to restrictions and obstructions imposed by the Taiwan authorities. An early realization of direct, two-way and complete "three links" will be in the immediate and fundamental interests of people on both sides of the Straits. We hope that compatriots on both sides will make concerted efforts and actively and realistically promote the "three direct links" across the Straits, so as to bring benefits to our posterity.

I. The Status Quo of the "Three Direct Links" Across the Straits and the Problems to Be Solved

1. Progress of the "Three Direct Links"

Under strong demand from compatriots, and due to negotiations and efforts by business circles, on both sides of the Straits, the "three direct links" have started from scratch and progressed to varying degrees.

(1) Postal Link

Mail Service

The mainland formally launched ordinary and registered mail services with Taiwan in 1979. In 1989 inter-Straits direct postal parcel delivery was established via Hong Kong. In April 1993, the mainland-based Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits (ARATS) and the Taiwan-based Straits Exchange Foundation (SEF) signed the Agreement on Inquisition and Compensation of Registered Letters Across the Straits. Registered letter service hence went into formal operation across the Straits.

Telecommunication Service

In 1979, the mainland started telegraph and telephone services with Taiwan. In 1989, Taiwan opened telegraph and telephone services with the mainland via a third place. In 1996, China Telecom and the Taiwan-based Chunghwa Telecom set up direct telecom business ties. And direct telecommunication channels across the Straits were set up through Sino-American, Eurasian and Asia-Pacific seabed optical cables constructed in 1999 and 2000. The telecommunication departments of both sides have launched mutual telephone, data communication, mobile phone roaming and videophone services. Cross-Straits telecom business has been booming, accounting for the largest and second-largest shares of the overseas telecom business of Taiwan and the mainland, respectively.

(2) Transport Link

Shipping Service

In August 1979, the mainland proposed for negotiations on sea transportation across the Straits with the shipping community in Taiwan, and declared that Taiwan ships would have access to all its open ports. In order to ensure navigation security across the Straits, the mainland offered the services of mainland lighthouses to ships from Taiwan, and fully opened offshore radio service to Taiwan ships to provide them with communication and navigation services. In addition, the two sides co-founded a search and rescue hotline. Relevant regulations, such as Measures for Shipping Management Across the Taiwan Straits, promulgated in August 1996, standardize essential matters concerning direct shipping across the Straits. So far, seven business offices and 37 shipping agencies for Taiwan-based shipping companies have been given approval to be set up at key ports on the mainland's coastal areas.

In April 1997, direct shipping between Fuzhou and Xiamen, and Gaoxiong entered trial operation. Mainland- and Taiwan-invested shipping companies can use vessels with a flag of convenience to transport foreign transshipment trade cargos of both sides via Gaoxiong Port. In March 1998, a regular container shipping route was inaugurated across the Straits, whereby cargo ships calling at ports across the Straits require change of documents rather than vessels at a third place.

In consideration of the demand of the people in Jinmen and Mazu, in early 2001 the mainland provided every possible assistance for shipping between the two islands and the coastal areas of Fujian Province. Vessels funded by and registered on either side of the Straits can conduct passenger and cargo transport across the Straits by flying only company flags.

Air Service

In October 1981, the mainland's civil aviation administration expressed readiness to negotiate at any time with its Taiwan counterpart on an air link across the Straits. In March 1990, the mainland released the Provisional Regulations on Application and Approval Procedures for Nonscheduled Flights of Civil Aviation Transport Between the China Mainland and Taiwan. From 1989 to 1996, the civil aviation sectors of both sides each served as sales agencies in passenger and cargo transport for the other, and commenced one-ticket and through baggage services between them. They signed several agreements on cooperation in the aspects of ticket-booking, commerce, plane maintenance, aviation and services. In December 1995 and August 1996, Air Macao and Dragonair opened Macao-Taiwan and Hong Kong-Taiwan air routes, respectively, realizing indirect air links between the mainland and Taiwan via Macao and Hong Kong. Since 1997, four Taiwan airlines have been given approval to set up their representative offices in Beijing.

In 2003, the mainland adopted flexible and practical measures aimed at handling special cases with special methods, to facilitate Taiwan business people's return to the island for the Spring Festival: Six Taiwan airlines were given approval to operate charter planes 16 times to carry Taiwan business people to commute between Taibei and Gaoxiong and Shanghai via Hong Kong and Macao. This was the first time in 50-plus years that Taiwan-operated planes had landed at a mainland airport by a normal approach.

(3) Business Link (Trade, Investment and Finance)


Since 1979, the mainland has opened its market to Taiwan products, offering them preferential treatment such as tax exemption or reduction. In December 2000, the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation of the PRC released Measures for the Administration of Trade with the Taiwan Area. The cross-Straits trade volume was a mere US $46 million-worth in 1978, but it shot up to US $44.66 billion-worth in 2002, approximately 971 times as much as the 1978 figure. By the end of September 2003, the accumulated volume of cross-Straits trade had totaled US $309.18 billion-worth, of which US $48.89 billion-worth came from mainland's exports to Taiwan, and US $260.29 billion-worth from Taiwan's imports, the mainland's trade deficit with Taiwan amounting to an accumulative total of US $211.4 billion. Since 1991 the mainland has become Taiwan's No.1 source of trade surplus. According to statistics, in 2002 the mainland had become the largest export market for Taiwan, and the island was the mainland's second-largest import market.


In July 1988, the State Council of the PRC issued the Regulations for Encouraging Investment by Taiwan Compatriots. In 1992 the Taiwan authorities permitted Taiwan compatriots to make indirect investment in, and carry out technical cooperation with, the mainland via a third place. In March 1994, the Standing Committee of the NPC adopted the Law on the Protection of Investment by Taiwan Compatriots. In December 1999, the State Council formulated the Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Law on the Protection of Investment by Taiwan Compatriots, and local people's congresses and governments accordingly worked out corresponding local regulations and administrative rules in light of local conditions. A legal system was therefore formed or improved to protect the legal rights and interests of Taiwan compatriots in the mainland. Relevant departments and local governments in the mainland have made continuous efforts to improve investment environment and provide good service for Taiwan compatriots, thereby promoting their investments. By the end of September 2003, a total of 59,458 Taiwan-invested projects had been approved on the mainland, with the contractual value of Taiwan investment totaling US $67.98 billion, and the actually utilized Taiwan investment totaling US $35.71 billion. According to statistics from Taiwan, Taiwan business people have since 1993 taken the mainland as their first choice for outside-the-island investment.

Financial Exchanges and Cooperation

In 2002, mainland-based commercial banks officially started remittance and letter of credit business with the offshore bank units (OBU) of Taiwan-based banks. In 2003, they further opened this businesses with the domestic bank units (DBU) in Taiwan. By October 2003, the mainland had approved the establishment of 2 Taiwan-invested banks, representative offices of 7 Taiwan-based banks, 12 representative offices of 9 Taiwan-based insurance companies and 1 Taiwan-based insurance brokerage company, and 17 representative offices of 12 Taiwan-based securities companies.

In the process of promoting the "three direct links," nongovernmental trade organizations across the Straits have carried out in-depth discussions time and again on relevant technical and professional issues involved in the "three direct links," and reached consensus in many aspects. Negotiations on inter-Straits communication have been going on successfully. Trial direct navigation across the Straits is operating smoothly. Delicate issues concerning two-way direct shipping between coastal areas of Fujian Province and Jinmen and Mazu have been properly resolved. Meanwhile, Taiwan-operated charter planes for the first time transported Taiwan's businesspeople across the Straits during the 2003 Spring Festival. All these facts show that businesspeople on both sides can undoubtedly find methods acceptable to both sides. As a matter of fact, both the technical and professional issues involved in the "three direct links" have been settled.

2. The Current Indirect, Two-way and Partial State of the "Three Direct Links" Has Impeded the Exchanges and Contacts Between Compatriots and the Development of Economic and Trade Cooperation Across the Straits.


Cross-Straits postal parcels have to be delivered via Hong Kong or Macao. Postal business is of a limited scope, and parcel post, small parcel post, remittance and express delivery services still remain unopened.


Direct shipping and flight are still unavailable. Cross-Straits travelers therefore have to transit via a third place such as Macao or Hong Kong. Cross-Straits cargos are ineligible for trial direct shipping, and have to be transshipped via a third place such as Hong Kong or Japan. Here arises the curious phenomenon of "cross-Straits cargo ships bringing in no cargos and arriving cargos not being brought by cargo ships."


The mainland market has been completely opened to Taiwan enterprises and commodities, while the mainland's exported commodities are subject to many discriminatory restrictions in Taiwan. Many of the mainland's advantageous commodities that are in high demand in Taiwan can find no access to the island. Mainland enterprises are not allowed to invest in Taiwan, or to set up their necessary business agencies there. It is difficult for mainland enterprises to hold or attend economic and trade exhibitions and business talks in Taiwan. And the mainland's businesspeople face many restrictions on investigation tours of or visits to Taiwan.

3. The Failure to Realize Direct, Two-way and Complete "Three Links" Is Mainly Attributed to Obstruction by the Taiwan Authorities.

For a long time in the past, the Taiwan authorities have set up numerous barriers to inter-Straits "three direct links," in disregard of the eager desire of compatriots across the Straits and the demands of Taiwan's economic growth. Lee Teng-hui and the current leader of the Taiwan authorities have both tried to stall and obstruct the "three direct links" on the pretext of seeking "equality, security and dignity." The Taiwan authorities have willfully added stringent restrictive clauses to regulations concerning the "three direct links," attaching to them various political prerequisites in an attempt to hamper cross-Straits negotiation on the "three direct links." On the one hand, the current leader of the Taiwan authorities refuses to accept the one-China principle or acknowledge the "1992 common understanding." As a result, cross-Straits dialogue and negotiation cannot be resumed. On the other hand, he refuses to accept the simple and facile method of having nongovernmental trade organizations negotiate "three direct links" matters, causing protracted delay in the opening of the "three direct links" negotiation. Facts have spoken volumes that, although the current leader of the Taiwan authorities has indicated that the "three direct links" should not be a problem and is "an inevitable way to go," in essence he is unwilling at all to see the cross-Straits exchanges and the normal development of inter-Straits relations. He has broken his promise, gone back on his word, and done everything in his power to postpone the opening of the "three direct links." What's more, he has tried every possible means to politicize and complicate the "three direct links" issue, even to try to incorporate it in his framework of separatist proposition of "one country on each side." The stand and policies of the current leader of the Taiwan authorities aimed at disrupting the development of cross-Straits relations and splitting the motherland are the root cause of the failure so far to realize the direct, two-way and complete "three links."

II. Realization of the "Three Direct Links" Accords with the Immediate Interests of Compatriots Across the Straits, and Is the Fundamental Way to Attaining Mutual Benefit and a Win-Win Situation.

1. The Direct, Two-Way and Complete "Three Links" Is an Objective Demand for People-to-People Contacts and Economic and Trade Exchanges Across the Straits.

Between 1988 and 2002, more than 27 million Taiwan people visited their relatives and friends, traveled, conducted investment or engaged in other cross-Straits exchanges on the mainland, whereas well over 700,000 mainlanders visited Taiwan. In 2002 the cross-Straits volume of passenger transport approached four million, the trade volume exceeded US $40 billion-worth, and the volume of cargo transport reached anything up to tens of millions of tons. Failure to institute the direct, two-way and complete "three links" has not only increased the economic burden on compatriots across the Straits, particularly Taiwan compatriots, but also wasted much of their time and energy.

Passenger Transport

On a flight from Taibei to Shanghai via Hong Kong, a round-trip ticket only from Taiwan to Hong Kong will cost US $380. This means that 27 million people will spend a total of well over US $10 billion more than necessary. A direct flight from Taibei to Shanghai would take only one hour and 15 minutes, but when flying via Hong Kong as the stopover, the flight time will be extended to about four hours, not including waiting time in Hong Kong.

Freight Transport

The direct distance between Shanghai Harbor and Gaoxiong Harbor is 600 nautical miles, but sea transportation bypassing Japan's Ishigaki Island is 232 nautical miles longer, a voyage costing more money and taking more time than necessary. The adoption of a direct air transport service will definitely save time and reduce transport costs by wide margins, and cross-Straits trade will be increased as a result of improved efficiency of goods flow.

2. The Direct, Two-Way and Complete "Three Links" Will Help Boost Inter-Straits Economic Development.

Currently, economy on both sides of the Straits is in different stages of development. There are adequate conditions for mutual complementality and also much room for development in their economic cooperation. The history of cross-Straits economic exchange over the past dozen years is a "win-win" history of cross-Straits economic development.

Cross-Straits economic exchange and cooperation have contributed more than obviously to Taiwan's economic growth. According to the Taiwan-based Chung Hua Institution for Economic Research, every growth of US $1 in Taiwan's exports to the mainland will bring an increase of US $2 of direct or indirect output value to the relevant Taiwan industries. Taiwan's huge favorable trade balance with the mainland has contributed greatly to the growth of its foreign exchange reserve, and continuous cross-Straits trade development will be of vital importance to Taiwan's economic growth.

The attainment of the direct, two-way and complete "three links" will help ensure Taiwan's sustained economic growth. Since 1988, the shift of Taiwan's labor-intensive industries to the mainland has rejuvenated these industries. The obstruction of the "three direct links" has been one of the important causes of Taiwan's economic stagnation, slowed industrial structure upgrading, reduced investment, decreased consumption, increased unemployment rate and soaring index of people's plight over the past few years. Taiwan's industrial and commercial circles believe that realization of the "three direct links" will bring Taiwan's advantageous geographical location into full play, and greatly improve its investment environment; that Taiwan's enterprises can make full use of the mainland's resources and markets to further develop themselves, and promote Taiwan's economic development; that, in return, mainland enterprises can also make investments in Taiwan, which will undoubtedly inject new vitality into Taiwan's economy and create more business opportunities.

Cross-Straits economic exchange and cooperation have contributed significantly to the mainland's economic development as well. Taiwan investors have brought funds, technology, enterprise management know-how and marketing experiences to the mainland, helped expand its overseas trade and increased its tax revenue. Taiwan compatriots have more opportunities to participate in the mainland's march toward the magnificent goal of building a better-off society in an all-round way, and they themselves will achieve further development while helping to boost the mainland's economic development.

3. The Direct, Two-Way and Complete "Three Links" Will Help Compatriots on Both Sides of the Straits Jointly to Adapt to the Trends of Economic Globalization and Regionalization, Strengthen Cooperation, Seize Opportunities and Meet Challenges.

In the world today, science and technology are progressing by leaps and bounds, economic globalization and regionalization are gaining momentum, and competition in comprehensive strength is becoming increasingly acute. The people on both sides of the Straits are faced with both opportunities and challenges. The early achievement of the direct, two-way and complete "three links" will provide both sides of the Straits more sufficient information, more convenient transport, more smooth capital circulation, and more efficient resources allocation. In this way, each of the two sides will be properly placed and each will bring its own potential capacity to play, to the point of helping greatly to enhance the economic competitiveness of both sides, accelerate mutual development and boost the overall economic rejuvenation of the whole Chinese nation.

During the past decade or more, inter-Straits relations have undergone twists and turns, but cross-Straits people-to-people contacts and economic and cultural exchanges, have all along remained on the rise, opening up new prospects for the progress of the "three direct links." These fully demonstrate the congenial connections of the people on both sides of the Straits, their sharing the same language and national feeling and their having increasingly deep common interests. The "three direct links" will help toward common economic prosperity and accord with the fundamental and immediate interests of people on both sides of the Straits. Cross-Straits people-to-people contacts and economic and cultural exchanges have yielded abundant returns, which serve as both a solid foundation and an inner impetus for achieving the direct, two-way and complete "three links." People from all walks of life in Taiwan are ardently calling for the early realization of the "three direct links." Compatriots on both sides of the Straits have performed many successful deeds and gained a wealth of experience in the process of promoting the "three direct links," while, on its part, the mainland has made full preparations in all aspects for the attainment of the "three direct links." In a word, the "three direct links" is the trend of the times and the will of the people.

III. The Mainland's Basic Stand and Policies on the "Three Direct Links"

Both the mainland and Taiwan belong to one China. China is the common homeland of compatriots on both sides of the Straits. Any separatist attempt and action aimed at cooking up "Taiwan Independence," "two Chinas," and "one China, one Taiwan" will be opposed by people on both sides of the Straits. The "three direct links" accords with the common interests of the people across the Straits. It is the inevitable requirement of constantly expanding cross-Straits contacts and should not be hampered by any artificial or political factors. We hope to realize the "three direct links" at an early date and across the board, so as to open up a new situation for cross-Straits economic cooperation and benefit compatriots on both sides of the Straits. Proceeding from this basic stand, we wish to reaffirm our policies and propositions concerning the "three direct links."

1. Relying on the People and Working for the Wellbeing of the People's Are Our Stand and Purpose in the Resolution of the "Three Direct Links" Issue.

During the process of promoting the "three direct links," we will actively and pragmatically help promote the measures that will genuinely benefit the compatriots, people-to-people contacts, and the development of economic and trade relations between the two sides of the Straits, and, especially, benefit the Taiwan compatriots, and industrial and commercial circles and Taiwan's economic development as a whole.

2. The "Three Direct Links" Is a Cross-Straits Affair and an Internal Affair of Chinese People on Both Sides of the Straits.

The cross-Straits "three direct links" has itself manifested the nature of the issue as an internal affair of Chinese people. Cross-Straits direct air and shipping services are air and shipping routes across the Straits. We resolutely oppose anyone who attempts to describe "three direct links" as links "between nations" or as "quasi-international" links, or to "internationalize" them in disguised form.

3. Shelve Political Disputes and Prevent Political Differences from Affecting and Interfering with the "Three Direct Links"

The "Three direct links" is purely an economic matter. Political differences between the two sides of the Straits should not be used as a pretext or obstacle for obstructing the "three direct links." Negotiations concerning the "three direct links" are not political negotiations; they may be carried out beyond the political implications of one China, but should seek for practical resolution of the various concrete problems involved, so as to accelerate the progress of the "three direct links."

4. Direct and Two-Way Links, Reciprocity and Mutual Benefit, and Consultation on the Basis of Equality

The "three direct links" promoted and achieved in this spirit will be the "three direct links" in the true sense of the term, and only in this way can cross-Straits economic exchange and cooperation be expanded, and be developed in a sustained and healthy way, so as to attain the goal of safeguarding and improving the common interests of compatriots on both sides of the Straits.

5. Let Nongovernmental Trade Organizations on Both Sides of the Straits Conduct Consultation on the "Three Direct Links" Issue

To realize the "three direct links" as soon as possible, consultation may be conducted as flexibly as possible, the measures for resolution of the problem should be simple and feasible, technical problems should be to simplified, and the methods of resolving it easy and convenient. Given the situation caused by the Taiwan authorities, in which dialogues and consultation between the ARATS and SEF cannot be resumed, it may be feasible for nongovernmental trade organizations on both sides of the Straits to conduct such consultation on the "three direct links" issue. First, to hold consultation on a nongovernmental basis. Consultation may be conducted by such organizations on the issue, in which officials of relevant competent departments from both sides may participate in negotiations in the nongovernmental capacity. Second, to reach a consensus. Over the years, nongovernmental trade organizations on both sides have gained rich experience in how to solve technical and professional problems related to the "three direct links." Under these circumstances, formal consultation between these organizations can lead to a consensus. Third, to make respective confirmation. The "consensus," "agreement," "summary of minutes," "memorandum" or "business arrangement" attained after negotiations should be implemented upon confirmation by each side. This method of settlement will not bring any harm to either side, in terms of their rights.

6. The Taiwan Authorities Should Remove Discriminatory Restrictions and Unreasonable Obstacles Directed Against the Mainland As Soon As Possible.

The indirect, one-way and partial approach and other restrictive policies adopted by the Taiwan authorities on the "three direct links" issue have disrupted the normal order of cross-Straits trade and investment, damaged the market environment of fair competition, undermined the legal rights and interests of relevant mainland and Taiwan enterprises. In September 2003, the Taiwan authorities unilaterally declared "a simplified program for cross-Straits cargo air transport," in which, Hong Kong and Macao are designated as the stopovers for cross-Straits round trips by the air freighters of Taiwan airlines. The civil aviation administrative department on the mainland holds that chartered air freighters from either side of the Straits stopping over in a third place will amount to "rejecting what is near at hand and seeking for what is far away," and that cross-Straits air and shipping services should be equally operated by airlines from both sides, so as to maintain healthy and sustained development for such services and benefit compatriots and industrial and commercial circles across the Straits. Taiwan's simplified program for cross-Straits cargo flights, in which it unilaterally declared the time limitation of flights without consultation between nongovernmental air transport operators on both sides of the Straits, is inappropriate, and also unacceptable to the mainland. In October, at the further request of Taiwan compatriots and industrial and commercial circles for opening the "three direct links," the Taiwan authorities relaxed some restrictive regulations concerning cross-Straits people-to-people contacts, trade and investment, but at the same time setting some additional conditions, in order to continue to postpone the opening of cross-Straits direct air and shipping services. We hope that the Taiwan authorities will, starting from the common interests of compatriots on both sides of the Straits, take practical and effective measures for opening cross-Straits direct, two-way air and shipping services, and abolish discriminatory restrictions and unfair treatment against the mainland at an early date.

IV. Explanations on Some Questions Related to the "Three Direct Links"

1. Consultation on the "Three Direct Links" Question Between Cross-Straits Nongovernmental Trade Organizations

The "three direct links" question could have been discussed through the existing cross-Straits consultative mechanisms, namely the ARATS and the SEF. In 1992, the two organizations reached the common understanding that each should express verbally that "both sides of the Taiwan Straits adhere to the one-China principle," thus laying the political foundation for consultation between the ARATS and SEF. However, after coming to power the present leader of the Taiwan authorities categorically negated the "1992 common understanding," thus undermining the foundation for consultation between the two organizations, rendering it impossible yet for them to resume their dialogue and consultation. In these circumstances and considering that nongovernmental trade organizations across the Straits have already established smooth communication channels over the years, these organizations have conducted in-depth discussions on technical and professional questions related to the "three direct links," and have reached consensus in many aspects. Therefore, we propose that cross-Straits nongovernmental trade organizations conduct consultation on the "three direct links" issue. This is the most practical and feasible pattern of consultation at the present stage.

2. The Flag and Certificate in Cross-Straits Direct Air and Shipping Services

The air and maritime transport circles on both sides of the Straits have reached some understanding through many years of exchange of opinions on how to deal with aircraft and ship flag and certification paper problems in cross-Straits direct air and shipping services. This, plus the successful practices in cross-Straits air and maritime transport, has provided a referential basis for the solutions of these problems.

Air Service

According to relevant provisions in the International Convention on Civil Aviation and its appendixes, an aircraft must have the national or regional identity symbol and registration symbol, both of which must be selected from among the national or regional identity codes of their temporary wireless call signs given to the registering nation or region by the International Telecommunications Union. The aircraft symbols of both the mainland and Taiwan are the same English letter, B, thus the aircraft symbol question will not arise in direct air transport across the Straits. For main-certificate check and approval involved in direct air transport, a Taiwan-based airline company in charge of the operation may present a qualified certification paper for the necessary certificate to the mainland's civil aviation administrative department, and, upon approval, it may file its application. This simple, practical and flexible procedure was applied and verified in handling Taiwan businesspeople's charter plane business at the 2003 Spring Festival, providing useful experience for resolving problems to be involved in the two-way direct air transport across the Straits.

Shipping Service

The ships' flag and certification problems in cross-Straits direct shipping service can be resolved with reference to the relevant procedure adopted for the navigation lines for shipping service between Hong Kong and Taiwan after the reunion of Hong Kong with the motherland in 1997, as well as for the shipping service between Fujian's coastal areas and Jinmen and Mazu. That is to say that a ship of either side navigating directly across the Straits will need only to fly the company's flag or a flag with symbols agreed upon by the two sides, and, when entering a port of the other side, it will not need to fly the flag of the other side; and that one side should check the relevant certification papers of the other side and, if necessary, may write its comments on a separate paper.

3. Participation of Foreign Companies in Cross-Straits Air and Shipping Services

The air and shipping services across the Straits are by no means "state to state air and shipping services," nor are Cross-Straits air and shipping international lines, therefore they should be operated by mainland and Taiwan airlines and shipping companies or by mainland-Taiwan joint ventures. Sino-foreign joint airlines and shipping companies registered with the authorities on either side may participate in such business operations, but the foreign partners of such companies are not allowed to have the dominant share. These propositions of ours are conducive not only to safeguarding the principle of preventing China's sovereignty over aviation and navigation from being infringed upon, but also to protecting the legitimate rights and interests of the Chinese people on both sides of the Straits.

4. The "Three Direct Links" and the So-called Taiwan Security

The Taiwan authorities assert that the "three direct links," especially the direct, two-way air and shipping services across the Straits will seriously jeopardize the security of Taiwan, and take this assertion as their main reason for impeding the direct, two-way and complete "three links." Certain Taiwan organizations recently classified its security issue into the four issues of military security, political security (mainly, Taiwan's being dwarfed politically), economic security (mainly, Taiwan's markedly increasing economic dependence on the mainland market, its industrial "hollowing" and its growing unemployment rate), and social security (mainly, public order, epidemic prevention, social welfare and education burden). Apart from those possible problems relating to social security that can be discussed and pre-arranged in the "three direct links" consultations, the other viewpoints are ungrounded in facts; rather they are products of the Taiwan authorities' inveterate hostility toward the mainland, their purpose being to influence Taiwan compatriots' attitude toward the "three direct links" and continue to postpone and obstruct the "three direct links." These viewpoints need to be pointed out and corrected.

The Assertion That "Direct Air and Shipping Services Will Seriously Jeopardize Taiwan's Military Security." First, according to the mainland's policy on the Taiwan, the people on both sides of the Straits are bound together like brothers and sisters, and, as the saying goes, "Blood is thicker than water." We cherish greater hope than any others for s 关于在农村开展法律援助工作的几点思考

北京市通州区司法局永乐店司法所 王 晨

法律援助制度是贯彻“公民在法律面前一律平等”的宪法原则、保障公民享有平等公正的法律保护、完善社会保障制度、健全人权保障机制的一项重要法律制度。《中华人民共和国刑事诉讼法》、《中华人民共和国律师法》等法律都对法律援助制度作了明确的规定,为这一制度的建立和实施奠定了法律基础。1997年5月26日,司法部法律援助中心及中国法律援助基金会正式成立;2003年9月1日,中华人民共和国国务院令第385号颁布的《法律援助条例》正式生效施行。据统计,至2003年底,全国共办理各类法律援助案件80多万件,解答法律咨询600余万人次,有近97万人通过法律援助维护了自身的合法权益。 法律援助给中国老百姓带来了福音,受到群众的普遍欢迎,越来越多的人们投入法律援助事业,为我国法治建设的进程增添了人性化的关怀与温暖,在国际上树立了我国保障司法公正和维护人权的良好形象。中国法律援助事业呈现出良性的发展态势,前景十分美好。